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Senior Care News

6 Ways to Help Seniors Maintain Cognitive Function

24-Hour Home Care in McKinney TX
24-Hour Home Care in McKinney TX

Maintaining cognitive function is vital for seniors because it allows them to also maintain their quality of life and their independence. As seniors grow older, there are more challenges that can make brain health more difficult to manage. Some of the changes family caregivers might notice include memory issues, diminished problem-solving skills, and trouble making decisions. There are plenty of ways that family caregivers, along with 24-hour home care providers, can work together to boost brain function for seniors.

Increase Physical Activity

Assuming seniors have clearance from their doctors, bumping up their activity level can do a world of good for cognitive health. Physical well-being is closely tied to mental well-being. The two keys to helping seniors to be more active are to start slowly and to make movement a part of the daily routine. Home care providers can help aging adults to prioritize movement regularly.

Improve Mental Stimulation

Just like physical muscles, the brain needs exercise to keep it working well. Mentally stimulating activities like reading, learning new skills, playing games, and doing puzzles can all help with mental stimulation. As people start to have trouble with brain health, things like making decisions and solving problems can become more difficult. Mental stimulation keeps the brain muscles working.

Offer Social Interaction

Spending time with other people is a huge part of overall wellness for going adults. When 24-hour home care providers are there with seniors, they’re offering necessary assistance as well as companionship. Caregivers can also make it easier for seniors to go where they need and want to go in order to spend time with others.

Boost Nutrition

Nutrition matters in every aspect of health, but especially for cognitive function. It can be difficult for aging adults to stick to a healthy plan for eating. Often that is because cooking takes time and energy that seniors may not have. Planning for meals also requires both time and energy. When 24-hour home care providers are there, they can take over those tasks for aging adults and ensure that their brains and bodies are getting the nutrients they need.

Stay on Top of Existing Health Issues

Many of the health issues that seniors face create physical problems, of course. But they can also create bigger problems for brain health. When seniors are able to keep conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes under better control, they are also more likely to experience better brain health. Elder care providers make this easier for seniors to manage.

Reduce Stress as Much as Possible

There can be a lot of stress involved in aging. Seniors may not share everything that is causing them to feel stressed, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t feeling the impacts. Having caregivers there with them around the clock can help aging adults to feel more comfortable, greatly reducing their stress and helping them to get the rest that they need.
Protecting brain health is a big task. That goal is a lot easier to achieve when seniors have the help that they need. 24-hour home care providers are able to meet seniors’ needs at any time of the day or night, ensuring that cognitive health is protected.

If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in McKinney, TX, please contact the caring staff at Clear Path Home Care today. Call 817-928-5788
Clear Path Home Care provides compassionate, high quality home care in Denton County, Montague County, Cooke County, Grayson County, Fannin County, Lamar County, Wise County, Collin County, Hunt County, Delta County, and Hopkins County in Texas.
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