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Senior Care News

How 24-Hour Home Care Can Help Manage Chronic Conditions at Home

24-hour home care, family members, and friends can all be there to support your elderly mom or dad to ensure they are thriving and living healthy.
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Chronic diseases and conditions can drastically impact how well a senior person ages in place. This is something that so many people wish for themselves and now, more than ever, it is possible to age in place and thrive even with a chronic health condition. 24-hour home care, family members, and friends can all be there to support your elderly mom or dad to ensure they are thriving and living healthy. Here is how 24-hour home care can help your seniors manage their lifestyle even while having a chronic condition.

Focusing on Nutrition

Your senior loved one will need to focus on nutrition no matter how old they are or what disease they have. Most of the time chronic conditions can be prevented if a senior eats right and focuses on health earlier in their lifetime. Even if a senior does develop chronic conditions it just means that food and eating right will be a bigger focus for them. Unfortunately, a lot of seniors start to eat worse as they become older because they can no longer cook like they used to. If they need help grocery shopping to get fresh foods or they need help with transportation or the act of cooking they need 24-hour home care to help them. These professionals will make it easier than ever before to focus on eating well and getting the best nutrition possible.

Calendar Management

As someone gets older and the more conditions they have the more likely they will have multiple appointments every month. They may even have multiple doctors. This can be exceptionally hard to manage and they may get confused about where they are supposed to be or which doctor is for which condition. 24-hour home care can help manage schedules and then communicate them to the family members. Everyone will know what a senior has coming up and this means a senior will not be able to get lost or go to the wrong place because everyone will know what’s going on and where a senior should be.

Focusing on Keeping Clean

Even without a chronic condition maintaining a house as someone gets older can be a challenge. 24-hour home care can help collect the mail, do the laundry, stock the pantry, and much more. In short, they will help a senior run the household which makes it easier for a senior to be independent but also focus on other more important things. Your loved one may need help with small tasks and that is exactly what a home care provider will help with. Your loved one should be able to thrive but also ask for help on the smaller things that will make their life easier.

Taking Baths

It can be hard to stand or even get into the tub or open up bottles with chronic conditions. It may seem silly but taking a bath can be a challenge for someone with a chronic condition. Your loved one may need 24-hour home care to pre-open and layout bottles or even help them dry off after they get out of the shower. Sometimes it is the aftercare like blow drying hair and dressing that a senior needs help with.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-Hour Home Care in Mineola, TX, please contact the caring staff at Clear Path Home Care today at (888) 740-7023

Clear Path Home Care provides compassionate, high-quality home care in Wood County, Dallas County, Rockwall County, Kaufman County, Van Zandt County, Rains County, Henderson County, Navarro County, and Ellis County in Texas.

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