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Senior Care News

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep

Home Care Assistance in Hawley TX
Home Care Assistance in Hawley TX

If your dad isn’t sleeping all night, it can impact his mental and physical health. A good goal for sleep is seven to eight hours per night, but age can start impacting sleep quality. What happens when your dad doesn’t sleep enough? Here are few things to know about the importance of sleep and how home care assistance can help.

Lack of Sleep Increases the Chances of Experiencing Mood Disorders

People who are not getting enough sleep often experience an increased chance of feeling anxious, irritable, or forgetful. It’s harder to concentrate. You might feel sad or down because you’re so exhausted. Depression is a risk.

You Crave Salty and Sweet Foods

Studies find that people who regularly get less than five hours of sleep have a higher risk of becoming obese. Hunger hormones increase while the hormones that control your appetite decrease, so you may find yourself craving carbs, and sugary or salty foods.

Obesity and the stress you experience while tired can increase your risk of heart disease. In fact, the risk of heart disease is 48% greater. Lack of sleep can lead to high blood pressure, which can also be linked to weight gain from those food cravings. The risk of diabetes is almost three times higher.

Poor Sleep Impacts Focus

When you’re tired, it’s harder to focus on the things you need to do. You might not be as reactive when driving, which can put you at risk of missing an animal or child running out into traffic. Your dad may still be able to drive, but he never should if he’s not getting enough sleep.

He may forget that he’s already taken his heart medications today. That accidental overdose of some medications can endanger him.

He Needs to Sleep

A full night’s sleep is important. How can he set himself up so that he’s able to get at least seven hours a night? Start by limiting drinks about an hour or two before his usual bedtime. Right before he settles in to go to sleep, he should go to the bathroom one last time to avoid waking in the middle of the night with a full bladder.

If he’s taking medications with side effects like insomnia, talk to his doctor about other options. There may be a better medication for him. If not, ask if he can take the medication at a time when it’s not as likely to keep him awake.

Make sure his room is conducive to sleep. Room darkening blinds that keep the moonlight or street lamps from illuminating his room help. A white noise machine that drowns out traffic and animal noises is beneficial.

Your dad should also engage in certain habits that make him tired. Make sure he walks for at least 30 minutes each day. Before he goes to sleep, have him read for half an hour.

Home care assistance offers companion care services, which is a good way to keep your dad active. If he’s not napping all day, he’ll sleep better at night. Arrange home care assistance services to help your dad remain active and engaged.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care assistance in Hawley, TX, please contact the caring staff at Clear Path Home Care today. Call 325-244-0877.

Clear Path Home Care provides compassionate, high quality home care in Childress County, Cottle County, King County, Stonewall County, Fisher County, Nolan County, Hardeman County, Foard County, Knox County, Haskell County, Jones County and Taylor County in Texas.

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