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How to Keep Your Senior’s Heart as Healthy as Possible

Home Care Assistance in Eastland TX
Home Care Assistance in Eastland TX

Heart health is a much bigger issues than many aging adults realize at first. It’s all too easy to lean on old habits that just don’t support a healthy heart. Following some of these tips can be a lot easier with the help of home care assistance, because caregivers are able to work with the plans that you and your senior set up.

Be Mindful of Her Risk Factors

Everyone has risk factors associated with heart health. Your aging family member might have high blood pressure or a family history of heart disease. If she smoked in the past, that could also increase her risk of heart issues. Whatever her risk factors are, you and your senior need to be aware of them so that you can take steps to mitigate those risks as much as possible. Your senior’s doctor can help you get started with this.

Schedule a Dentist Appointment

Dental health is closely tied to heart health, and not enough people are aware of that fact. If your elderly family member has dental issues that haven’t been addressed or she hasn’t been to the dentist in a while, schedule an appointment. Getting her dental health back under control might help her to get other risk factors back under control.

Ensure She’s Sleeping Well

Quality sleep helps your elderly family member to feel rested and to enjoy every day. But it may also do a lot to help her with her heart health risk factors. Getting enough quality sleep boosts the immune system and allows your elderly family member to have the energy she needs to go about her day, including exercising more often.

Look at Both Exercise and Diet

Exercise and diet work together to help your senior to be as healthy as possible. It’s important to get her doctor’s opinion about both before making any changes. As long as your elderly family member is safe to exercise, gradually increasing her activity levels helps to strengthen her heart and her lungs. From a dietary perspective, it’s important for your senior to get a mix of fruits and vegetables along with lean proteins and whole grains. Small changes can lead to big results.

Work Out Ways to Reduce Her Stress Levels

Stress is another big potential problem. Your elderly family member may believe she doesn’t have much to stress about, but if daily tasks are getting more difficult and she’s worried about her health, that contributes to stress. Home care assistance can help with all sorts of tasks at home for your senior, including ensuring she’s eating well and that she’s hitting goals she needs to hit. Elder care professionals also allow your senior to get some rest instead of struggling to get things done, which can do a lot to alleviate stress.

There are some risk factors that your senior really can’t do much about, as much as she wants to. But that just makes it even more essential that she does what she can about the risk factors that are controllable.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Eastland, TX, please contact the caring staff at Clear Path Home Care today. Call 254-559-2030
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